Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Freezer Meals

Our next class will be held on Friday, September 11 at 10:00 am.  K’Lea will share some ideas for make-ahead freezer meals.  This should be a great class and we hope you can make it.

I have also been experimenting with uploading documents onto the blog.  You should be able to access that all handouts using either link on the left side – Slide share or List of Handouts. 

GOOD LUCK with Canning Season – there are many fruits and vegetables in season right now.  I would love to hear about your experience. 


KatrinaW said...

Hi, Tammy! I recently attended an Enrichment meeting where you spoke, and I loved your information. I would be really interested in coming to the Freezer Meals class, but I can't find any information about where it will be. If you could let me know, that would be great--I'll do what I can to make it there.

Thanks again!

Tammy said...

Sorry, I didn't see your post until after the Class. If you click on the handout section of the blog, you will find a slide presentation and documents about freezer meals. I hope this is helpful for you.